Tired of waiting for your friends to come online on WhatsApp?
Well, here's a tweak to track your selected WhatsApp friends, it keeps you notified about their online/offline status from outside and inside WhatsApp. It will also notify you when any of your contacts start typing/recording in your chat.

  • Add an online indicator next to online users in chats list.
  • Favorites List & Goup Info Page: Replace contacts status with their lastseen and add an online indicator next to online contacts.
  • Get notifications inside and outside WhatsApp when chosen contacts become online/offline. (Works only for contacts you chose inside OnlineNotify registered users table)
  • Get notifications when any of your contacts start typing/recording a message. (It works on all of your contacts unless you enable 'Typing for Favorite' option)
  • Get notifications when a contact has read the messages you sent him.
  • Get notifications when a contact has viewed one of your statuses.


There are few things you should know before purchasing.

WhatsApp has been implementing many changes recently to the privacy of Online status, making it harder to view and track your contacts with OnlineNotify.

You will not be able to track your contacts' Online status if:
  1. You enabled "Freeze Last Seen" from inside Watusi privacy settings.
  2. You have set your Online status privacy to 'Nobody' from WhatsApp privacy settings.
  3. Your contact has his Online privacy set to 'Nobody' (or 'My Contacts' and your number is not saved in his contacts list).
  4. You don't have an active connection with your contact. (You did not message each other at least once in the past 6 months or your contact does not have you in his contacts list) (This is a new limitation that WhatsApp added recently).

Receiving Notifications when WhatsApp is in background
  • In order for the Outside Notifications to work, WhatsApp has to be connected to the internet and running in background, in other words when you enable outside notifications you will be shown as 'Online' in WhatsApp even if the app is in background.
  • Outside notifications will slightly increase your battery consumption.

  • OnlineNotify settings are inside WhatsApp settings page
  • You can run OnlineNotify on other WhatsApp versions by going to your device Settings App in OnlineNotify section.
August 22, 2024
iOS 12.0+
175.66 KB